Church Structure

There are two branches to our church – the spiritual body and the legal corporation. The Lead Pastor, must show leadership in both.Taken from bylaws that we use: Because Church of the Lakes, Inc. has two (2) complimentary branches; the spiritual body of believers and the legal corporation, it is the lead pastor that administratively bridges the gap between the two (2) branches. The lead pastor is primarily responsible for the spiritual life of the church, therefore, he must be in a position corporately to insure that financial strength is directed toward the ministries of his choice.

Three Elder Board System


The Overseers are a board of successful lead pastors who have or currently govern churches outside of our church.

  • Generally comprised of mentors of the lead pastor who pastor churches that are for the most part larger than our church or at least have extensive experience pastoring a church.
  • In the case of alleged misconduct, they investigate and, if necessary, decide a disciplinary course of action.
  • Accountability: The overseers can be removed by the lead pastor, but only one per year – again to prevent a dominating board member from forcing their ill agenda.
  • The lead pastor can only be removed by a majority vote of the overseers, following an investigation.


The Trustees are responsible for the financial well-being of the church.

  • Monitor accounting and business practices.
  • Vote on any mortgages, contracts, or major financial decisions.
  • Assure fiscal responsibility (both to the church and the I.R.S.).
  • Help develop the budget, manage the assets and aid in facility acquisition and management.
  • Accountability: Trustees are nominated by the lead pastor. They can be removed by the lead pastor – but only one of them every six months (to prevent the lead pastor form stacking the board with “yes” men if someone dared to disagree with him).


The Pastors are responsible for the spiritual well-being of the church.

The functions of the Pastoral Elders are to:

  • Maintain and teach by living a godly, Christian lifestyle
  • Serve the Church by helping the Lead Pastor to establish the vision and direction of the Church
  • Provide leadership as a member of the Lead Pastoral Leadership Team
  • Demonstrate leadership to the Members of the local Church
  • Provide a prayer shield for the Church staff and the local Church;
  • Defend, protect and support the integrity of the Church staff and the local Church
  • Pray for the sick
  • Organize, implement and execute licensing and ordination requirements and procedures
  • Mediate disputes among the congregation
  • Counsel with church members and staff
  • Contact the Overseers to initiate investigation and potential discipline of the Lead Pastor if a situation necessitates their involvement.
